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SAVING CHINATOWN (Part 2) Documentary – Premiere At CCIFF

( July 31st Sunday 2022 ) I want to thank everyone who came to my World Premiere of my Chapter 2 of my documentary ‘Saving Chinatown – Our Heritage, Our Legend,’ which was proudly presented by the 7th Canada China International Film Festival at Cinema Banque Scotia. I am very happy, very grateful and very proud to say : It was another amazing turnout and… Read More »SAVING CHINATOWN (Part 2) Documentary – Premiere At CCIFF

Best Documentary Feature & Best Director Feature at Vegas Movie Awards

We are proud to announce the we received 2 awards from the Vegas Movie Awards July 2022 Edition! Best Documentary Feature: (Awards of Prestige) JULY 2022 EDITION ( Best Director Feature: (Awards of Merit) JULY 2022 EDITION (

Best Social Impact Community Initiative (SIFA Festival and Red Carpet Gala Awards)

Our documentary SAVING CHINATOWN – THE RISE OF THE DRAGONS won the Best Social Impact Community Initiative category at the SIFA Festival and Red Carpet Gala Awards. We had a great time attending the gala. Director and Producer Jimmy Chan gave a great speech when he received the award. Thank you SIFA for having us!

Quebec Grants Heritage Status To Montreal’s Chinatown

Quebec’s government finally granted heritage status to the core of Montreal’s Chinatown to protect it from further gentrification. After a long battle to convince the government to grant heritage status to Chinatown, they have finally done it. However, the battle is not over yet. There is still much to do! Eramelinda Boquer from Global News interviewed our film producer/director Jimmy Chan on all the work… Read More »Quebec Grants Heritage Status To Montreal’s Chinatown

7th Canada China International Film Festival Press Conference.

Our film producer/director Jimmy Chan was invited to speak at the 7th Canada China International Film Festival Press Conference. CityTV News Montreal’s Martin Daigle was there to cover the event. The actual festival runs from July 16th to 19th 2022 right in Montreal and Beijing. Jimmy is planning to release the second installment of his SAVING CHINATOWN documentary series at the film festival.

Best Documentary Short Award At Independent Shorts Awards

It was an honor to have received a Bronze Award for winning the Best Documentary Short category of the Independent Shorts Awards. Best Documentary Short: Saving Chinatown – The Rise of The Dragons by Jimmy Chan (Canada) We also received an honorable mention from them:Best Editing: Matthew Chan for Saving Chinatown – The Rise of The Dragons (Canada)

CBC Interview With Jimmy Chan Concerning Recent Anti-Asian Racism In Montreal

CBC Montreal News interviewed Jimmy Chan as the Chinese community leader to voice out on behalf of our Montreal Chinese community Chinatown today concerning his thoughts about the recent racism acts on school campuses, where racially offensive worksheets were being circulated. Jimmy told CBC that racism against the Asian community always existed since the beginning of the first Chinese immigrants, the ancestors arrived to this… Read More »CBC Interview With Jimmy Chan Concerning Recent Anti-Asian Racism In Montreal

Semi-Finalist at Hong Kong Indie Film Festival

We are so proud to have had our documentary be selected as a semi-finalist for the Best documentary feature category at the Hong Kong Indie Film Festival! Fingers crossed!